The Treasurer is a whole time officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Chancellor on such terms and conditions as the Chancellor may determine. He shall –

🗸Manage the property, the finances and the investments of the University
🗸Prepare the annual and revised budget estimates of the University and present them to the Finance and Planning Committee and the Syndicate
🗸Ensure that the funds of the University are expended on the purposes for which they are provided and
🗸Perform such other duties as may be prescribed.
He is also the Principal Officer of the University to deal the matters with Government and other departments. He is responsible for all matters connected with the finances of the University. He is assisted by the following officers:
🗸Mr. Muhammad Umar Treasurer
🗸Ch. Muhammad Shafique eputy Treasurer
🗸Mr. Shahid Mehmood, eputy Treasurer
Main Section of the Treasurer’s Office and its functions:-

1.Budget and Finance Section

1.The major responsibilities:
Preparation of Annual and Revised Budget and Statement of Annual Accounts.
Submission of Budget Proposals for funding to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
Submission of S.N.E. / Grant-in-Aid to the Government of the Punjab.
To arrange meetings of the Finance & Planning Committee, preparation of working papers/agenda of the meeting.
Dealing with cases of Re-appropriation of funds cases.
Submission of information relating to Budget and Finance of the University to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad/ Governor’s Secretariat / Government of the Punjab.
Dealing with the replies of Assembly Questions relating to the finances of the University.
Monitoring the Budget Allocations to the Faculties / Directorates / Departments / Sections.
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Naveed Sharif, Administrative Officer (Look after charge)
Mr. Naveed Sharif, Assistant
Mr. Muhammad Qamar uz Zaman Khan, Senior Clerk
Mr. Rao Rana Awais, Junior Clerk

2. Pay and Pension Section

1.The major responsibilities:
Dealing with the Pay Bills / Arrear Bills of the University Staff.
Dealing with the Pension Bills of Retired Employees.
Dealing with the cases of General Provident Fund / Voluntary Provident Fund of the University Employees.
Dealing with the cases of Group Insurance of the University Employees.
Dealing with the cases of Re-imbursement of Medicine/Indoor Treatment Charges
To arrange the meeting of the Benevolent Fund Committee.
Issuance of salary certificates/yearly Income Certificates for Income tax purpose
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Tahir Shah, Administrative Officer
Mr. Nasir Hussain Shah, Administrative Officer
Mr. Muhammad Arshad, Administrative Officer
Mr. Muhammad Ahmed, Assistant
Mr. Farhan Hussain Shah, Senior Clerk

3. Accounts Section

1.The major responsibilities:
Processing the bills of Contractors/suppliers.
Maintaining Cash Books/Income & Expenditure Registers.
Preparation of Statement of Annual Accounts to be submitted to the Government.
Preparation of quarterly utilization reports for submission to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
Ensure to deposit tax related liabilities in time and deal FBR’s related issues.
To get the funds (development and non-development) from Government of the Punjab.
Process the fund releases cases in the Finance Department, Accountant General Office and Treasury Office.
To maintain the record of temporary advances and their adjustment.
To deal with the cases of engagement of daily paid labour.
Payments of all kinds.
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Muhammad Aslam Siddique, Administrative Officer
Mr. Muhammad Afzal Baig, Administrative Officer
Mr. Maroof Rafique, Assistant
Mr. Imran Haider Zaidi, Assistant
Mr. Tariq Mehmood, Assistant
Mr. Aftab Masih, Senior Clerk

4.Purchase Cell

1.The major responsibilities:
All procurements of the University as well as Development Projects.
To register suppliers and contractors in the University.
To supervise the prequalification and disqualification of suppliers and contractors
To arrange the meeting of the Standing Purchase Committees.
To follow up the cases sent to the Directorate of Public Relations, Punjab and solve all the hurdles which may accrue in the publication.
Deals with PPRA
Advertisement of Tenders in Newspaper and PPRA / University website.
Maintain the record of CDR’s.
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Malik Amir Muneer, Manager procurement
Mr. Muhammad Azam, Assistant
Ms. Kalsoom Niamat, Assistant
Mr. Muhammad Babar, Senior Clerk
Mr. Saqlain Ameer, Junior Clerk

5. Student Receipt and Univ. Income Section

1.The major responsibilities:
Monitor the receipts from Government / own sources.
Maintaining the Cash Book / Income record.
To keep the proper record of the Fees and other dues to be collected from the Students.
To maintain the record of Scholarships paid to the students, refund of Fees and Securities to the Students
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Naveed Bhatti, Administrative Officer
Mr. Nadeem Ahmad, Assistant
Mr. Adeel Ahmad, Assistant
Mr. Muhammad Ameen, Assistant
Mr. Atique, Assistant
Mr. Waris Hanif, Senior Clerk
Ms. Komal Nazar, Senior Clerk
Mr. Arslan Liaqat, Junior Clerk

6. Internal Audit Section

1.The major responsibilities:
Maintenance and update of the Accounts software.
Dealing with Audit Paras
Perform mapping of all the constituent units of UVAS indicating future Audit Plans
To conduct internal audit to avoid the problems to be faced at the time of External Audit of the University and compliance of External Audit observations
Ensure preparation of annual plans for internal audit
Maintaining the SDA in the Treasury Office
Preparation of reports / replies to external audit paras
Verify the audit reports
To verify the stock entries of the Dead Stock / Consumable Registers.
Prepare relevant Frequently Asked Questions
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Muhammad Sarmed Malik, Assistant Director (Internal Audit)
Mr. Muhammad Shakeel, Assistant
Mr. Abid Ali, Senior Clerk

7. Cash Section

1.The major responsibilities:
To receive cash / cheques on behalf of University and deposit the same in respective bank accounts of the University.
To receive cheques, prepared for disbursement of petty claims, defray the amount to the claimants and make necessary entries in petty cash book.
All other duties assigned by the Treasurer.
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Akmal Tahir, Senior Clerk

8.Diary and Dispatch Section

1.The major responsibilities:
To receive the Dak on behalf of Treasurer’s Office and its proper entries
To dispatch the Dak to various sections, departments and outside the University.
All other duties assigned by the Treasurer.
2.Staff of the Section
Mr. Muhammad Ali, Senior Stenographer/PA to Treasurer
Mr. Kamran Jamal, Junior Clerk

Elsie Cunningham

December 4, 2017 at 3:12 pm

Never say goodbye till the end comes!

Maria Luna

December 4, 2017 at 3:12 pm

Never say goodbye till the end comes!

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Emilly Blunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum ut sed, dolorum asperiores perspiciatis provident, odit maxime doloremque aliquam.

Elsie Cunningham

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum ut sed, dolorum asperiores perspiciatis provident, odit maxime doloremque aliquam.

Maria Luna

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum ut sed, dolorum asperiores perspiciatis provident, odit maxime doloremque aliquam.

Maria Luna

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum ut sed, dolorum asperiores perspiciatis provident, odit maxime doloremque aliquam.